There’s a reason why the heating equipment market in the U.S. is worth an estimated $2.91 billion. People want to stay warm and cozy during the cold months. Unfortunately, a faulty furnace can make that difficult for many homes. What’s more, potential carbon monoxide and fire hazards from old furnaces can threaten the lives of people on the property.

As such, it’s important to know when to call professionals like St. Louis Heating to repair or replace your furnace. But how do you know when? Luckily, we’ve organized this article so you know when it’s time to call the pros. Let’s get started!

How Often Do You Need to Replace Your Furnace?

Typically it’s necessary to replace your furnace every sixteen to twenty years. If your furnace is under twelve years old, and you regularly maintain it, then you should have nothing to worry about. However, if it’s over twelve years old and it starts exhibiting certain signs, then you will need to either repair or replace it. What signs are these? We’ll go over them in the next section.

Six Signs You Should Call a St. Louis Heating Professional For Heating Help

Remember that the figure we gave in the last section was an estimate. While sixteen to twenty years is a good furnace lifespan estimate, it isn’t set in stone.

Factors like the brand, the way you maintain it and the climate you live in can all speed up or slow down the furnace aging process. As such, it’s important to pay attention to signs your furnace gives. These signs will give you a clearer interpretation of how old it is. In this section, we’ll go over six clear signs that it’s time to replace your furnace.

1. Your Furnace Is Over Sixteen Years Old

As we mentioned, if your furnace is sixteen years or older, then it’s past the natural life expectancy. Now, this doesn’t mean you need to replace it. If you want, you can wait until it exhibits other warning signs to act. However, keep in mind that if you wait for an emergency, then you’ll likely need to act quickly.

As such, you probably won’t be able to make the best decision when it comes to purchasing a new one. So, if your furnace is close to this age, then you should take your time and start shopping. That way you aren’t rushed by any external forces.

2. You Notice High Energy Bills

Do your energy bills seem higher than usual? If the answer is yes, then your furnace might be the problem. As furnaces get older they become more inefficient. This is especially true if they haven’t been maintained properly. As such, they require more amounts of gas or oil to produce the same amount of heat.

However, remember that all the money being wasted on expensive energy bills could be going toward a new furnace. You can measure furnace efficiency by the annual fuel utilization efficiency or AFUE. The EPA says that an efficient furnace should have an AFUE of 90% to 98.5% AFUE. Inefficient furnaces on the other hand typically have an AFUE of 56% to 70% AFUE.

3. You’ve Had to Repair It Multiple Times Recently

In this respect, furnaces are a lot like cars. The more money you sink into repairs, the less financially viable it becomes to keep them. At some point, it will just become more affordable to purchase a new replacement. If you’ve had to repair your furnaces multiple times in the past two years, then it’s a clear sign that it’s time for a new one.

4. Your Natural Gas Burners Is a Yellow Color Instead of Blue

If you own propane or natural gas furnace, then a yellow-colored flame could be a sign that your furnace is producing carbon monoxide. If you believe your furnace is producing carbon monoxide, then you should also look for these other signs:

Soot around the furnace
Lack of upward draft toward the chimney
Excessive amounts of moisture around the house
Rust on the vent pipe

You should also pay attention to the physical symptoms caused by carbon monoxide. This includes things headaches, nausea, and burning in the eyes. If you notice any of these things, then immediately open a window in the furnace room and call a heating professional.

5. Your Furnace Is Producing Loud Noises

Old furnaces tend to make a variety of strange noises as they reach the end of their lifespan. This can include banging, rattling, popping, and even squealing sounds. Typically, these noises are caused by motor failure, unsecured ducts, or broken parts. In some cases, they can be temporarily repaired, but other times they will need to be completely replaced.

6. Thermostat Doesn’t Work

Do you notice that that certain rooms seem colder or warmer than the thermostat says? In some cases, this can be the fault of the thermostat itself. However, most of the time it’s due to the furnace’s lack of ability to distribute air properly. As such, you should bring in a professional to see what’s exactly wrong with it.

Need Help Repairing or Replacing Your Furnace in St. Louis? Get In Touch With Anton’s Air Conditioning and Heating

We hope this article helped you learn how often your furnace should be replaced. There are quite a few factors that can affect the durability of your furnace. The brand, how often you perform maintenance, and the climate in your area can all affect how quickly your furnace eventually breaks.

As such, you shouldn’t be afraid to contact a professional from Anton’s Air Conditioning and Heating to check on your furnace. We’ve been in the HVAC business for over forty years. This gives us the expertise to help you decide whether your furnace needs maintenance, repair, or an entire replacement. If you’re ready to enjoy the warm heating you deserve, then contact us today.

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