We’re heading for some serious summer heat in St. Louis and if you were here in 2012, you remember that record-breaking 108-degree day. As high temperatures become more and more common, it’s crucial that you have an HVAC system that works.
Getting into the routine of practicing summer HVAC maintenance is a great way to prolong the life of your HVAC system, keep your home cool, and save you money. In fact, investing here and there in HVAC maintenance can help cut your energy bill by hundreds of dollars!
So, what should you do to maintain your HVAC system? We’re going to talk about preventative HVAC maintenance as well as the signs that something isn’t quite right.
Read on for seven HVAC maintenance tips that you should try out this summer.
1. Give Your HVAC a Test-Run
For starters, you’re going to want to turn your air conditioning on a little early. That way, you can catch any warning signs before you really need to worry about your home getting too hot.
Go ahead and set your thermostat to the “cool” setting and set the fan to “auto.” Place your hand over a vent and make sure that the air your HVAC is pumping out is, in fact, cool. If it’s warm, you’re in need of more serious repairs.
2. Tune Into Strange Sounds
We’re all used to a little bit of noise coming from our HVAC system. After all, you’re pumping air through your home, and that isn’t always silent!
However, there are certain sounds that you shouldn’t hear coming from your HVAC system. Sounds like grinding, loud hissing, rattling, or clanging are all on the list of “things you don’t want to hear.” These sounds usually indicate that your HVAC system has broken components or blockages that need to be addressed.
3. Keep Your Eyes Peeled For Leaks
HVAC units do generate moisture, but they’re designed to contain that moisture. One way to practice HVAC maintenance is to look for signs that your HVAC unit is leaking.
Take a look at the drain lines and ductwork. Make sure that you give the duct joints a thorough looking over. If you spot any tearing, holes, or leaking, you’ll want to let us know right away.
4. Clean Up Your Surroundings
One of the most overlooked preventative HVAC maintenance steps you can take is cleaning up the area around your HVAC unit. People have a tendency to expect that because the unit is self-contained, what happens outside of it doesn’t matter. However, this isn’t quite the case.
Head outdoors and clear away any debris from your HVAC unit. This can include things like grass clippings or plant matter, dead leaves, rubble–basically, the kinds of outdoorsy stuff that builds up in your yard. What you want is to have a trimmed-back, cleared-out space that extends at least two feet around your HVAC unit.
(Why is this? All that debris can cause clogs and other issues that cause your HVAC system to run less efficiently. That means poorer levels of air conditioning indoors and a higher energy bill every month.)
5. Clean Your Air Ducts and Change Your Filters
The cleanliness of your HVAC system has a lot to do with the overall air quality inside your home. We tend to think of air pollution as a strictly outdoors issue, but the reality is that your indoor air can become polluted–and take a toll on your health.
Before you turn your air conditioner on for the summer, there are two important steps you can take to ensure that your indoor air quality is good.
First, you will need to clean your air ducts. Air ducts can develop blockages from dust and debris that wreak havoc on your energy bill. Plus, if you have mold or mildew growing in your air ducts, you’re going to feel some negative health effects.
Second, you will need to change your filter. In fact, you should be changing your air filter every few months–but the good news is that air filters are relatively cheap and easy to install.
6. Old HVAC? Time for a Replacement
A well-maintained HVAC system will last between 15 and 20 years. If you’ve surpassed the 20-year mark, it’s time to install a new HVAC system.
(This may also be the case if you’re dealing with an HVAC system that hasn’t been maintained. When the damage is bad enough, you’re going to end up paying more for repairs than you would for a whole new system!)
7. Call a Professional for HVAC Maintenance
At the end of the day, the best thing you can do for your HVAC system is let the professionals tackle regular maintenance. When you spot things like leaks or hear strange sounds, it’s best to leave the inspecting and repairing to us!
When you hire us for HVAC maintenance, we’re happy to run down this checklist for you. Our goal is to save you time and money by addressing molehills before they become mountains! In other words, our inspections and maintenance will keep your HVAC system running perfectly this summer.
Anton’s HVAC Is Here to Keep St. Louis Cool
As we head into the thick of the summertime heat, it’s important to make sure that your HVAC system is up to the test. With these seven HVAC maintenance tips, you can ensure that your HVAC system is in great working condition for years to come.
Do you want to find out more about our services, pricing, and availability? Contact us today via our contact sheet or use our chat box to talk to a representative right away.